Monday, January 31, 2011

Restrictions on Pregnancy Centers Found Unconstitutional

In a decision that could have significant impact on legislation here in Washington State, a federal judge in Maryland struck down a law requiring pregnancy resource centers in Baltimore to post notification that they will not help you obtain an abortion.

The Baltimore ordinance, enacted December 4, 2009, states:

A limited-service pregnancy center must provide its clients and potential clients with a disclaimer substantially to the effect that the center does not provide or make referral for abortion or birth-control related services

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Washington Should Cut “Take Charge”

I know, I know. You have no idea what Take Charge is, much less have an opinion on why it should lose its funding. But that’s what we’re here for: enlightenment. Regardless, when you’re staring down a $5 billion budget deficit, it isn’t that hard to make the case that something should lose its funding.

Take Charge is a tax-payer funded program that pays for contraception. While the majority of the funds come from the federal government, millions of state dollars are spent on the program every biennium. According to the Feminist Women’s Health Center, the goal of Take Charge is to help people have the tools to reduce unintended pregnancies which will save on the state’s expense of paying for labor and delivery.